Saturday, February 21, 2009


"First comes love, Then comes Marriage, Then comes a baby in a baby carriage."

This little tune from your childhood speaks volumes. The truth and order of it holds more wisdom than you may find on TV or the radio today. The world around you says, "if it feels good, do it." Or you hear, "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel." But you're not just an animal, give yourself more credit.

Getting back to the little tune, first you develop a loving relationship with someone. Then you make a lifelong commitment of marriage, and then you make love (have sex) and at some point, the natural outcome could be a baby.

As STATS teams present throughout the county to over 4,000 middle school students each year, the same comments are heard in all schools.

"I knew I was having sex, but I didn't think I'd get pregnant."
"We used a condom. I don't know what happened."
"I didn't think I could get pregnant from just one time."
"We didn't plan on having sex. It just happened."
"I thought we were protected."
If you are still a virgin, high-five yourself! Be proud. And hang in there. But if you've had sex and think you may be pregnant, don't put off being tested. For your health and the baby's, the earlier you know, the better. For free testing call Muskegon Pregnancy Services, and set up an appointment. Everything is kept confidential - nobody else needs to know.

Muskegon Pregnancy Services
Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10 - 4 PM
Tuesday and Thursday 10 - 7 PM
Phone: (231) 726 - 2677

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