Friday, October 22, 2010

STATS Retreat 2010

We had a beautiful September day for our STATS retreat! This is a time when the peer educators are educated themselves on important information and tips for how to do a successful presentation. They also meet as teams for the first time and start putting together their creativity to write skits, songs and plan out who is giving a personal talk on what subject. It is a long day...but it is always a productive day and there is fun to be had!
Our fearless team leaders!!

We are thankful that Kyle Warmington from CURE International is gracious enough to provide help in skit development. He comes with his creative juices flowing and really gets the kids to think outside the box.

While the students do work hard during the day, that doesn't mean they don't have some time to play! There is an afternoon break in which we walk down to the beach and let them run their energy out. Some do things like dig holes...
...or play volleyball...
...swing... with a giant frisbee...

...or hang out with friends...

before coming back inside to listen about the gross but true facts concerning STDs (sexually transmitted diseases.)

Thank you to Maranatha for providing us with the space to hold this retreat!

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