Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Meet the Leader

Mrs. (Linda) Westerhof!!
Who are you?
Linda Westerhof; science teacher at Reeths-Puffer High School for 16 years. I teach AP Biology, Anatomy and Physiology and Biology 2. I have 2 boys: Jacob, age 9, and Benjamin, age 7. I love to scrapbook, read, play volleyball and golf, camp, and go to the beach.

How long have you been a STATS Team Leader?
I have been a STATS team leader for 14 years.

What do you enjoy about being a Team Leader?
I enjoy working with students who I might not normally meet in my classroom and I especially love the fact that these kids are brave enough to spread the abstinence message in a society where it is believed that "everybody is doing it."

What kinds of problems did you face as a teenager?
When I was a teenager, our biggest problems were choosing the right groups to "fit" into, worrying about how to get a ride to the arcade, and hoping that your parents would get cable TV (my parents never did until I moved out of the house), a VCR and a microwave!

What would you say is the biggest struggle for teenagers today?
One of the biggest struggles for teens today is our crumbling value of morality in our society. Teens thinks it's "cool" to be pregnant, have sex, drink, do drugs and treat adults in disrespectful ways. It is broadcast to them via the movies they see, the TV shows they watch and the music they listen to.

Why did you want to be a Team Leader for STATS?
I wanted to be a STATS team leader so that I could be surrounded by students who were proud to tell other students that they didn't need to do drugs, alcohol, tobacco or have sex to be "cool."

What would be your most memorable Team Leader experience?
There are so many memories, it's hard to choose. A funny one that stands out in my mind is when my team wrote a "grandma" skit and grandma was played by a boy dressed in a wig and a skirt - VERY funny stuff! Emotional memories would be listening to some of the students give their personal talks. There were many performances where tears were shed by STATS team members, students in the audience and even teachers. Helping someone through a talk like that is a powerful relationship-building experience!

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Somewhere warm! I've already been to a few beautiful places such as Hawaii and Costa Rica. I'd love to go to the Florida Keys to swim in the clear blue water, or Australia/New Zealand to to swim around the Great Barrier Reef.

Thank you, Linda, for your time and energy as a STATS leader! You are so appreciated!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

November Recap

Wow, this year already feels as if it's flying by!
Our first presentations in November went well. The teams visited Bunker Middle School, Reeths-Puffer Middle School and Nellie B. Chisholm (Montague) Middle School. Overall, 354 students saw the STATS presentations! That is a great start to the year.
We'll leave you with some photos from Bunker to enjoy:

Somebody is about to get burned by a comeback line!

Even Mrs. Turner-Terry joins in on the fun.